UCLA Psychiatry AsYlum Clinic

Clinic Directors: 

Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, M.D., M.S.H.P.M.

Samantha Stewart, M.D.

Clinic Attendings:

Kenneth Chuang, M.D.

Sonya Gabrielian, M.D., M.P.H.

Michael Macintyre, M.D., Q.M.E.

Viet Nguyen, M.D., M.P.H.

Sign up on this form to join our Asylum Clinic mailing list to receive psychiatric evaluation case referrals from the LA Human Rights Initiative, announcements for our educational events, or participate in a collegial forum to build community around our shared work and goals:
Asylum Clinic mailing list signup form



Clinic reference materials (google drive, restricted to clinic members)

Asylum readings (google drive)

Other Resources:

Los Angeles Human Rights Initiative (LAHRI) - Asylum Clinic: founded and led by UCLA medical students

Medical student asylum clinics locally and around the country

Los Angeles Immigrant Youth Toolkit (developed by the UCLA Immigrant Youth Task Force